Bible Verses For Graduates

bible verses for graduates

    bible verses

  • The books of the Bible that are considered canonical number 24 for Jews, 66 for Protestants, 73 for Catholics, and 78 for most Orthodox Christians.
  • This application offers a collection of over 1000 essential Bible verses on many important topics such as Faith, Relationships, Money &


  • A person who has received a high school diploma
  • (graduate) receive an academic degree upon completion of one’s studies; “She graduated in 1990”
  • A graduated cup, tube, flask, or measuring glass, used esp. by chemists and pharmacists
  • (graduate) alumnus: a person who has received a degree from a school (high school or college or university)
  • A person who has successfully completed a course of study or training, esp. a person who has been awarded an undergraduate academic degree
  • graduate(a): of or relating to studies beyond a bachelor’s degree; “graduate courses”

bible verses for graduates – The Purpose

The Purpose Driven Life Selected Thoughts and Scriptures for the Graduate
The Purpose Driven Life Selected Thoughts and Scriptures for the Graduate
Based on the New York Times bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life, this keepsake book provides a priceless reminder for graduates of the bountiful life God has planned for them through understanding His purpose for their life. Carefully selected by author Rick Warren, the thoughts and Scriptures inside these pages will help new graduates simplify future decisions, develop a deeper meaning for their life, and most importantly, prepare them for eternity. ‘Timeless, profound, compelling, and transforming, The Purpose Driven Life is a priceless gift for everyone who wants to know their purpose and fulfill their destiny.’ Bruce Wilkinson, Author, The Prayer of Jabez.

Addiction treatment centre in Mexico a place of new beginnings

Addiction treatment centre in Mexico a place of new beginnings
Staff at the addiction treatment centre, from left, MCC worker, Eleanor Hildebrand Guderian (whose MCC term has since ended), Susana Peters and Wilma Unger work on a blanket project with women participating in the treatment program.

MCC Photo/Gladys Terichow

MANITOBA COLONY, Mexico –Tears, laughter and hugs mark Grace’s (not her real name) last group session at a residential treatment centre here for drug and alcohol addictions.

Grace said she came to the rehabilitation centre–Centro de Rehabilitacion, Luz en mi Camino (Light on my way)–the day her first grandchild was born because she wanted to reduce usage of prescription drugs and learn new ways to deal with problems.

“I could hardly sleep last night—I am so excited that I am graduating today and that I’m going home where I want to be a good example to my family,” she said.

Her strong determination to continue the healing journey she started in the centre was affirmed by staff and other clients who encouraged her with Bible verses and personal reflections.

But parting comments at her last group session also reflected the apprehension that people face when they leave the supportive environment of the centre to return to homes and communities where their addictive behaviours had developed.

“If you offered me today that I could go home, I wouldn’t go home,” said one of the women at the centre. “A lot of roots have been pulled out (of my life) and new seeds have been planted, but I know that I’m not ready to go home. I want to stay here until new roots start to grow.”

Luz en mi Camino is a cooperative venture of the Mennonite colonies in the state of Chihuahua. The centre opened on Manitoba Colony near the city of Cuauhtemoc in 2004 to provide services in the Low German language for men and expanded in 2009 to provide services for women.

More than 100 women and more than 750 men have participated in the programs, said director David Penner, who was among the first graduates in 2004. Up to 15 per cent of clients come from outside Mexico, including Canada, United States and other Latin American countries.
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Canada has been supporting the centre since its early beginnings through service workers and other supports.

Penner describes addiction as a life-shattering illness that destroys lives and families. He said people come to the centre because they are eager to stop addictive behaviour, resolve the issues that contribute to this behavior and regain the trust of family, friends and church communities.

To receive a graduation certificate, clients complete a three to six month program that integrates a 12-step healing program and biblical teachings, group activities, intense counselling and plans to deal with relapse. Marriage and family counselling are also provided.

Throughout their stay, people are encouraged to embrace an identity that is based on their relationship with God and not on their past history. Penner said people who have completed the program often look to friends and places of worship to help them continue the changes in thinking and behaviours started in the treatment centre. However, many church congregations do not understand addictions and how to support people in their recovery from addictions.

“The problem is that many of our clients don’t have a support system when they leave the centre—they are alone,” said Penner. “People expect them to prove that they have changed, instead of believing them that they have changed. We need to support people with friendship and say, ‘Welcome back’ when they have completed the program.”

Maintaining freedom from addictions, he said, is a lifelong challenge. To reduce the potential for relapse, the centre now encourages couples to participate in the programs at the same time, even if only one spouse has addictive behaviours.

While Grace was in the centre completing a six-month program, her husband recognized that he too would have to make changes and was part of the program for almost two months.

“I’m always happy when I see young couples come here,” said Grace. “If we had done this sooner, we would have been more loving parents.”

Gladys Terichow is a writer for MCC Canada. 10/21/11


IT has been a very long month so far, and the Lord has answered our prayers, both for Viv and for Jen.
Jen is still recuping from post-op bronchial pneumonia and we are watching the kids so she can get some much needed rest.
The body heals better if it at rest. Chasing after 3 active kids is hard on moms in the best of health. So, if I am NOT ON FLICKR so much, you know why. A two year old demands our time and attention. Her Papa has been working 6-7 days a week and her daddy is a long haul semi-truck driver who will be going back out on the road for 3-4 weeks. We are her only back up. Emma is trying to get her schoolwork completed so she can graduate from high school this spring.
I appreciate those who know about us and our situation and especially for your prayers and love.
Just please be patient. If one of my other admins is out of town, ill or for whatever reason is not on Flickr I have to to do our pending photos alone at times. I am trying to be there all the time, but that’s impossible.
God bless you and your families and when you get frustrated because your photo takes a little longer to get into a pool, look at them, and remember, that God and family come first. Hugs, love and blessings. Thank you for visiting, praying and your endless support. JJ and family

bible verses for graduates

Follow Your Dreams: Wisdom and Inspiration for Graduates
Four-plus years of classes, tests, research papers, pop quizzes, bottomless cups of coffee, and tons of late night studying have culminated in a gathering of family and friends to celebrate the graduate’s solemn-and joyous-march across the platform to receive the coveted “parchment.” But today’s graduate, faced with fabulous opportunities and a world of uncertainty, wonders, “What does the future really hold for me?”
Follow Your Dreams weaves together true-life stories, practical advice and principles, quotes, Bible verses, and a healthy dose of humor to encourage graduates to face their bright new future with a renewed sense of faith and optimism.
The theme of Follow Your Dreams is developed around these topical sections of keen interest to graduates: Expressing Gratitude for Where You’ve Come From; Celebrating Who You Are as a Person; Cultivating Your Gifts; Feeding Your Soul; Overcoming Adversity; and Living with Faith.

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